In today's world the Title of this blog is a pretty common thought process in most of us. When there is a need, or if someone asks us for help, the first thing that many of us do, is ask the question, "What have you ever done for me?". If the answer is a lot of things, then we tend to be inclined to do a lot for that person, but if the answer is nothing, we then turn off our generous spirit and tell the person to take a hike. The old saying that "it's better to give then receive" is a philosophy of life that I have tried to live by my whole life and it's never let me down. I am in the habit of giving to people whom I have never met, but know need something. The joy that I get from seeing their complete surprise that a stranger gave them something of value with no strings attached is so satisfying. If you want to get a great thrill and bring some joy into your life and your communities life, try finding a way to give not to those who have done something for you lately, but for someone that you don't know and just want to help. See if I'm right and let me know! Make the Change!