A family shattered by a act of violence, a person's heart and spirit torn apart and an opportunity missed, all things that happen everyday, but when it happens to you, it all hits home and makes you have to think about what we are so busy for, that we miss out on what could be life changing relationships.
We meet people everyday, some that we will never see again, others who beg for our attention and others who we can't wait to see again. Each person has a story, a life, a dream and a reason for who they are. I found out this week, that I missed out on what could possibly have saved a person from a horrible fate. I can't say for sure, no one can, but what I do know, is that this person, had been asking over and over again to have a relationship with my family and because we were just to busy, I just never got back with them and a life changing event happened and now they are changed forever. I think to myself, what if I had made that call and invited them over and what if they had been with us, instead of where they got hurt? Again, I can't say that what happened to them wouldn't have if I had just made the effort to befriend them and include them in my families life, but then again, I can't deny it either.
I am finding more and more, that we have to look so much deeper into the decisions that we make and understand that like it or not, we make more of a difference then we would like to admit. How about you, are there people in your life that have been asking for more time and you've been to busy to accommodate their requests? If so, think hard today about making time for them, you never know what being with you might save them from. I'm not saying that we are better then anyone else, I'm saying that we are people who have the opportunity for relationships and those relationships are far better, then the things we busy ourselves with each and every day. What are you waiting for "Make the Change"
The Journey Continues
13 years ago