Everyone has heard the Golden Rule and many people live by its principles, but for those who don't know it, here it is: Do onto others, as you would have done onto you. In other words treat others as you want to be treated. ...A key element of the Golden Rule is that a person attempting to live by this rule treats all people with consideration, not just members of his or her in-group.
This rule played itself out in a current episode of the reality show Survivor. One of the Survivors this year is a very small, nerdy looking, wimpy guy, who has since day one been the butt of his tribes jokes and has had to humble himself and work like a dog in order to make happy his other tribe mates so that they wouldn't just vote him off. They treated him with disrespect, no loyalty and made him know that he was always the "next" to go, if he didn't do what they asked. However, the tide turned when the tribe merged and it became a one on one game and the two tribes were equal 6 tribe members a piece. They told the wimpy guy to act as a spy and gather information about the other team, get their trust and then they would burn the other tribe at tribal council. The problem was, the other tribe understood the Golden Rule and treated the wimpy guy with respect, compassion and friendliness that compelled him to turn on his tribe and vote off his greatest nemesis, in a brilliant move.
We have people in our lives every day that look at how we treat them and learn to respond in like manner. Kids are the biggest litmus test of the Golden Rule, because they tend to mirror our actions and we get to see from them who we really are, often in those "kids say the craziest things" moments. So who are you, are you someone who is living by the "Golden Rule" treating those in and out of your circle of friends and family with respect and kindness? Or are you like the tribe who is always picking on the little guy, stepping on feelings and following the crowd when it comes time to poke fun at the odd guy or gal in the group. Remember, that sooner or later, our actions and words come back to haunt us and it may end up costing you more than a game in a reality show, but a friend, job, marriage, or worse. How about you, are you Making the Change in your life to live by the Golden Rule and change people’s life’s in your actions, your words, your deeds and your faith?
Make the Change!!!
The Journey Continues
13 years ago