Monday, July 19, 2010

Community Garden's Are You A Part

I have noticed that more and more Community Garden's are popping up everywhere I go. We now have one just down the street and I gotta tell ya, it's fun being a part of such a fun project. You get to meet some great people, have some fun watching your work pay off and well you get to work. So many people feel alone and abandoned these days, but being a part of a Community Garden helps keep you connected and get's you some good eats in the process. If your not already, join a Community Garden today, it's the kinda of work that you'll love to do.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Marriage is it just a choice?

Is Marriage just a choice, can we say today I'm married but then tomorrow say I'm making the choice to get a divorce and not be married anymore? At least for me, Marriage is bond between two people that can not be broken easily, or even at all without a life changing event happening, even then I'm not sure that God would really approve of a divorce. When we get married, we merge more then just ourselves, we merge our families, our friends, our church, our ministries and then if God is willing our Children with all of the above. Can we just choose to stop all that? I think it's a lot like trying to stop a boulder from falling down a mountain, you can try to stop it, but more then likely you'll be destroyed in the process. Marriage is a sacred thing that even when it's bad, if held in check it does a lot more good then trying to stop it and destroy yourself and your families life in the process. If Marriage is a choice, make it a choice to figure out how to keep it going when you know it's falling apart. It's making the choice to talk instead of run, come out instead of hide and fall in love again if you've "fallen out". If marriage is a choice, make it the right one, the one that keep's it together.