Saturday, September 29, 2012

Day 3

Day 3: Got my chance to "Make the Change" today, found out that there were a lot of kid's in my child's class that are struggling in their reading and site word understanding, so starting next week, I will spend an hour and a half every morning tutoring several kid's in reading and learning their site words!!! Awesome opportunity!!!

Day 2

Day 2: Got my chance to "Make the Change" today while taking my daughter Sydney to school today. Ran into one of her Girl Scout friends and Mother, she was talking to me about how hard it is trying to get the girl's to Girl Scouts now that she's working on Thursday's, she is paying a babysitter 15 to 20 dollars to take them each week. So I offered to take them with us until she is done working on Thursday's, which is in about 6 weeks she said. She was so happy for the offer and the thought of saving 20 bucks a week!!! Have you been given an opportunity to "Make the Change" lets hear about it!!! :-)

Day 4

Day 4: Got to "Make the Change" today, met a person that was Terminally Ill and was considering suicide, the person was tired and didn't want to wonder anymore, just wanted to end it. Very sad and very lonely!!! I was able to share my story of the past 10 years and then the past three, gave the person my promise of being just a phone call away, if they wanted to talk, our to have my family come over. It made the difference, it gave hope, it gave a spark of life and it blessed me to be a part of it!!! Not sure why God gives me these incredible opportunities, maybe He gives us all these opportunities we just have to look for them, but it truly has changed my life to witness what some kindness and compassion, acts, deeds and words can do to "Make the Change", so how about you, any opportunities you want to share??? Amazing week so far!!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Day 1

Day 1, built a computer for a 90 year old lady that I met 12 years ago. She called me a few weeks ago in need of some work, she had kept my number through all these years and through that conversation, found that she needed a few things and God helped to bring us together to bless each-other and Make the Change in each-others life!!!

When do we tell or Share???

Matthew 6:5-7

“And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

One of my love languages is words of affirmation, I found long ago that I really like it when people especially my loved ones but friends as well as strangers, give me encouragement and tell me that what I am doing is "good" or "right". It gives me strength to keep going and keep doing my "good" works. However, it can also change my reasoning for doing the "good" work as well. If I do "good" works in order to get words of affirmation, then my motives are wrong and my "rewards" are therefore received in full with the words of affirmation that I get. This is what the scripture above speaks to. Many of the religious people of that time, had began to do their duty in prayer out in the public where all could see how devoted they were and how godly they were, because they were "seen" doing the "right" things. However, their hearts were all in the wrong place and therefore, all of their correctness and godliness was rewarded by the praise they received by the people who saw what they did. So they missed out on the eternal reward and the eternal extra's that come along with a truly Godly act!!! So we see in Matthew, that we are told to no longer seek glory in the eyes of man, but to seek only God's glory and when we do this, He will reward us with things that are more then just passing praise that only lasts for the moment!!! However, take a look at this:
Matthew 5:15-17

Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

Now, I know one is about prayer and one is about good deeds, but where is the balance??? You might ask why this matters in this group and why I am even bringing this up??? Well, I was asked and told by a member of this group, that I never give examples of how I follow my own posts and how I live my every day life "Making the Change", my automatic response was, I don't think it's a good idea to post all the things I "do", because then I may lose my reward and also my hearts motive may change as well. However, as a leader, even if it's a group page on facebook, those who read my posts deserve to know, that I am living my convictions and that will, I hope, give them or you the inspiration to make the change in your part of the world and influence your community in a positive way!!! So, I will be posting everyday for the next seven days, one thing I do to make the change in my little corner of the world. I hope that it will inspire you to do the same and let us see what your doing, so that all of us can be inspired to make the world a better place, because we chose to make a difference!!! :-)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Cost of Kindness

Many of us "do" acts of kindness all the time. We open the door for strangers, we help out a friend when he/she calls and needs our help. We come to the rescue when our wife has a flat tire or our neighbor's car battery dies. Most of us are not going to turn down a friend or a neighbor or even a stranger, if what they ask won't interrupt our life's to much, or if we have the skills needed to help. However, how many of us would be willing to give up say our vacation to help a person prepare for an interview for a job. How about our car for a week, to a family that had their engine die on them and won't have a car until it's fixed. How about a bedroom, for a teenager that needs some time away from an abusive parent. How about everything, adopt a child and spend the next 18 years giving up your pleasures and conveniences to help out a person that needed you and you could help? Most of us will do acts of Kindness if the "cost" isn't to high, but how many of us, are willing to do acts of Kindness and "Make the Change" in our part of the world, if the cost is "very" high, or may cost us years of effort and inconvenience? I have made a commitment to do what it takes to "Make the Change", to affect my world in a positive and impactful way. Sometimes, the cost is little, but sometimes, the cost is something that I'm still paying for today!!! How about you, are you willing to "Make the Change", no matter the cost, or only if the cost is minor and the inconvenience to your daily routine light? Sometimes doing right costs more then not doing anything, but, the outcome from that act, can change a heart, a life, a family, a neighboorhood, a community, a state, a country, a world!!! The thing is, none of us knows which act will make the biggest impact, that is why, every act of Kindness, every choice we make to change our world, could be the one that changes everything!!! Have a great week, see you around as I "Make the Change"!!!

Make the Change,