Tuesday, November 9, 2010


The title say's it all! When I saw the TV program showing what a young teenage girl was doing to help fight the battle to save the water and coastal beaches that were destroyed by the oil leak that happened at a BP ocean rig several months ago. The girl sadden by what she saw as a disaster, couldn't just sit back and not try and help in the efforts to clean up the BP mess and what has become our mess now. So she did the only thing she knew to do, the only thing she was really good at, she drew.

She drew pictures of the wildlife that is being affected by the oil and other birds in the area and then sold them to anyone who would buy them. People in her community began to find out about her drawings and began sending her letters asking her to draw them pictures and would send her payments. Soon people on facebook and people around the world began emailing in requests for her drawings and she raised thousands and thousands of dollars to donate to the cause that she was so passionate about.

I began to think then about the dozens of people that I know that are hurting and need help. People without heat when it's now near freezing every night, people without food or clothes. People who need medical attention but have no insurance. I thought, what could I do and I hope you are thinking what can you do.

Well, the answer is clear to me, just do what you can with the gifts that you have. Use those gifts to make money to give to those you know who need it. Maybe give up a few hunting trips and give the money you would have spent toward someones medical needs. I don't know what it is that your good at, or what you spend your money on. Maybe for you it's giving up your pop and candy bar for a few months and giving that 60 or 70 dollars a month to someone, or maybe not going out to eat on Sundays and giving that 40 dollars a week to someone who really needs it. I bet you can think of something though. I have and in fact have already been working to help a few of the people that I know. My question to you is, how are you going to "Make the Change" in your part of the world and end this year with some good cheer and few smiles from people who could really use a smile right now!!!

Make the Change,

Saturday, October 23, 2010

What can I really do.

"What can I really do", I hear people say this all the time and it makes me wonder how well our school's really do teach history to our kid's and those who are now adults. Our history is filled with individuals who decided they would be different, they would do things differently, or they were the only one's who would do it, so they had to do it and because of them, our world changed forever. You don't have to be specially gifted either. A lot of world changers were just ordinary people, who decided to do what no one else would do. Right now I could write down at least seven names but I want you to come up with your own. You can do it and if not, then search the internet and find them. There are senior adults, middle aged adults, young adults, teens, adolescents and children, all who are an example of what you can really do, yes YOU! Now get out there and Make the Change!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Say Thanks!

Do you know of a person who is selfless and volunteers for many things, gives up their personal time and often do all this with little or no pay. Today find that person and do something kind for them. You may be helping them to decide to continue their selfless acts and encourage them in their kindness. Make the Change!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

What have you done for me lately!

In today's world the Title of this blog is a pretty common thought process in most of us. When there is a need, or if someone asks us for help, the first thing that many of us do, is ask the question, "What have you ever done for me?". If the answer is a lot of things, then we tend to be inclined to do a lot for that person, but if the answer is nothing, we then turn off our generous spirit and tell the person to take a hike. The old saying that "it's better to give then receive" is a philosophy of life that I have tried to live by my whole life and it's never let me down. I am in the habit of giving to people whom I have never met, but know need something. The joy that I get from seeing their complete surprise that a stranger gave them something of value with no strings attached is so satisfying. If you want to get a great thrill and bring some joy into your life and your communities life, try finding a way to give not to those who have done something for you lately, but for someone that you don't know and just want to help. See if I'm right and let me know! Make the Change!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Be a good neighbor, water a flower.

A lot of neighbors are going on vacations right now, a great way to meet them or make their day, is to offer to water their flowers and garden while they are away. You will be their hero and earn their respect. Make the Change!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Community Garden's Are You A Part

I have noticed that more and more Community Garden's are popping up everywhere I go. We now have one just down the street and I gotta tell ya, it's fun being a part of such a fun project. You get to meet some great people, have some fun watching your work pay off and well you get to work. So many people feel alone and abandoned these days, but being a part of a Community Garden helps keep you connected and get's you some good eats in the process. If your not already, join a Community Garden today, it's the kinda of work that you'll love to do.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Marriage is it just a choice?

Is Marriage just a choice, can we say today I'm married but then tomorrow say I'm making the choice to get a divorce and not be married anymore? At least for me, Marriage is bond between two people that can not be broken easily, or even at all without a life changing event happening, even then I'm not sure that God would really approve of a divorce. When we get married, we merge more then just ourselves, we merge our families, our friends, our church, our ministries and then if God is willing our Children with all of the above. Can we just choose to stop all that? I think it's a lot like trying to stop a boulder from falling down a mountain, you can try to stop it, but more then likely you'll be destroyed in the process. Marriage is a sacred thing that even when it's bad, if held in check it does a lot more good then trying to stop it and destroy yourself and your families life in the process. If Marriage is a choice, make it a choice to figure out how to keep it going when you know it's falling apart. It's making the choice to talk instead of run, come out instead of hide and fall in love again if you've "fallen out". If marriage is a choice, make it the right one, the one that keep's it together.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

It's your choice

What's the difference between marriages that last 10 years and ones that last 50? Choices! We may not always "feel" like we love those we are married to, but it's only then when we can truly choose to love our spouses. Choose today to love those to whom you committed your lives, even if it doesn't "feel" right. Make the Change!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

It's Your Turn

There are so many times I pass by a place day after day and say to myself, why doesn't anyone take care of that piece of land, or the corner, or I drive up to a building and see a huge dirt spot and say how horrible that looks and wonder why someone doesn't just spread some grass seed on it. I figured out this week, it’s because everyone is just like me, they pass the same spot and ask the same questions and no one does it. So this week if you have a certain spot that you have really been complaining about lately and can work on it and make it look better, then just do it. You will probably make so many people happy and be a local hero. Make the Change!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Everyone needs someone to talk to!

I've been walking a lot lately and have met some great people, but the other day I met a homeless man, most homeless people have a great story of tragedy to tell and then ask for money and tell another story of tragedy, but this man was happy, he had no tragic tale to tell, just how he was lonely and was wanting to know some information about current events and the weather. We talked and I realized that some times we like to throw money at problems, buy "things" that we think will make a difference, but in some cases our time is all that's really needed. Take the time to share yourself with someone who needs you, it may be the best gift you can give! Make the Change!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Serving and Protecting

They are everywhere we go, shopping centers, malls, government buildings, they protect us in the background, rarely getting recognized for their work, getting paid sometimes little for their efforts, who are they? Security Guards, this week if you happen to see one, let them know you appreciate their efforts, Make the Change!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Laugh a little, it's good for you!

There's an old saying, laughter is good medicine, and laughter seems to fill the body and soul with energy and renews a broken spirit. Often we forget about how effective laughter can be in healing those who are depressed or whose lives are falling apart due to any number of things. Today, find a way to make someone smile and laugh, it's not as hard as you think, but can make a world of difference in someone's day, Make the Change!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Mother's Day Matters

Today, there are many single mom's out there working hard to make ends meet for their kid's, tomorrow they may not have anyone to wish them Happy Mother's Day or give them the break they deserve, if you know one, make it a point to make this mother's day one of their greatest and most enjoyable, Make the Change!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Gift of Giving

We all enjoy getting presents, or buying ourselves something we've been wanting for awhile, but today, think of something that you were going to buy yourself or a present you were going to get and instead of buying it, spend that money on someone else. I promise you that the joy of giving far out weigh's the joy of receiving. Make the Change!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Words are just words aren't they?

Sometimes we hurt the one's we love and sometimes that causes a rift that changes our relationships forever. It's amazing how fragile our relationships really are, even our deepest and strongest relationships. Just a few words can change the course of a good relationship so much, that within a few years no one would ever know you were even friends or married. Today, if you have hurt or said something to offend or upset somebody, even if you didn't mean it or it was taken out of context, talk to the person and apologize, a few minutes being humble can make a life time of change, Make the Change!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Fixing a Heart

Today, I ask that you pray for a young girl not yet a teenager who is having extensive heart surgery for a rare heart condition that will hopefully give her some extra time with us and extra time for them to find a way to fix her completely or for God to heal her completely. We are praying for you Kelly, Make the Change!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Weekends are for family!

Earth day was Thursday and this weekend is a good time to get out and enjoy a walk in the park with the family, a hike in the woods, a trip to the nature preserve, or since it's Saturday why not take in a movie with the family and go out for ice cream after, I hear Ocean's is playing around the country, Make the Change!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Earth Day

Today, buy a plant that will produce some kind of food during the summer months and go and plant it at someone's house you know, it will help them get some food and will help make the earth a better place. Make the Change!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Friends are Friends Forever

Friends are Friends Forever: We get so busy sometimes with our lives that we often forget about cultivating our relationships with our friends. Many of our friends have been through a whole lot with us and are still with us, find some old pictures of you and your friends and call a few up and visit telling them about the pictures, all of you will get a good laugh and laughing is never a bad thing! Make the Change!

Friday, April 16, 2010

What did you say?

Give someone a compliment, we are so quick to tell each-other our faults and to slow to tell each-other what we like, Make the Change!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Work on it

Do something special for the one you love, do something so unexpected that it shocks them in a good way. Love is often lost because we forget to cultivate it, think about it and spend time keeping it alive. Make the Change!!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Finding a way to help

Today, find a way to help out your community. There are many organizations that are out there giving out food, clothing and many other free items and all of them need help handing them out to the public. Find a place and give them an hour or two, it will be well worth the time. Make the Change!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Share your blessings

We are so blessed and the more people I meet the more blessed I feel. We hear people say this broke or that stopped working and I don't know how we're going to afford to replace it, or my kid's really wish they had this or that but we just can't afford it. Let's look throughout our house and find things that we may not use anymore, or we have replaced with a newer model and find someone who needs it and share it with them. Be a blessing and Make the Change!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Happy Neighbors

Like a good neighbor state farm is there, we hear that on TV all the time, but having a good neighbor can make life much more bearable, simple and happy. Being a good neighbor can change the lives of those you live by and with. Find a way to make your neighbor smile, maybe rake their lawn, mow it, have a cook out and invite them over. Make the Change!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Show Them Thanks

There are so many people that have made a change in my life and my family life, the kid's and I were thinking what could we do for them and we found a simple craft, they are wind chimes and figured why not make them and give the chimes to those people with a quick note of how much we appreciate what they have done. It's an easy way to do something personal and different as a reminder to them of the change that they made and a reminder to us to, Make the Change!

Friday, April 2, 2010

They don't like me, so why should I help them?

Doing something nice for someone you like is easy, doing something nice for someone who may hate you, dislike you, or drives you crazy, well that's a little tougher. As Easter is just a few days away, we celebrate the greatest gift ever given to mankind, a man who was also God, willingly laid down his life to save even those who didn't want it at the time. So today, think of a way that you can sacrifice for someone and make their life better, even if right now they don't think or know that they need it, Make the Change!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Making the change inside yourself

Changing yourself is often the start to making the biggest change of all, today, Don't just do nice things for people, be anice person. It's more of an internal attitude, than just about what you do. Sometimes to Make the Change in someone elses life, you first have to Make the Change in your own! Enjoy Spring Break All!

Monday, March 29, 2010

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood

Winter often finds us indoors for many months and many things change in our neighborhoods. One of the things that change are neighbor's, take a walk today and meet a few new neighbor's that moved in over the winter, Make the Change!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Some Days Are Just Plain Hard

Hi everyone,

Wow, today was just a really hard day for me. Many of you only know me through my posts, others through my Facebook page and still others are my true friends and know my heart. Well, my heart was broken today as I learned of my hurting friends and the pain that they were suffering in their families. One lost a child and all most lost his wife, another is having to contemplate doing heart surgery on her pre-teen daughter who has a heart condition that could end her life at any time, another friends son had a horrible head trauma that lead to a concussion and whiplash, my heart was just hurting for all these families today and the only thing I could do was pray. But I realized that you know what, prayer is our most powerful weapon against sickness and injury, against pain and suffering and it's something that all of us who know God can do for each-other. It's not a second thought, or something we just do because there is nothing else to do, it's the first thing that I do when I find out one of my friends is hurting. One of the things I say in my mission statement is that you can use your faith to Make the Change in someone's life, my faith teaches prayer is something that is crucial for helping those you care about or those whom you want to influence, here is an example:

Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up, will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night.

I will never give up praying for my friends and if you have faith and believe in God, then Make the Change for your friends as well and pray for them often. It is a great comfort to know God hears us and listens when we pray. It's even more of a comfort to know that he cares and often intercedes for us through the Holy Spirit when we don't have the words to speak. God Bless All

For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Make the Change,

Friday, March 26, 2010

Nature Centers

Today, make a plan to visit one of your area's nature centers and while your at it, invite some friends to go a long as well, Make the Change!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Just a Smile

Today, a friend said it only takes a second to smile, so pass it on, I agree, smile and make a new friend, Make the Change!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Family Matters

Do you have a brother or sister? If so call them and find out what's going on in their lives, family matters! Make the Change!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Take a walk

Today, take someone out on a walk, it doesn't have to be far, just long enough to spend some time with them asking them how their day was! Make the Change!

Monday, March 22, 2010


We were all taught as children to share, but as we get older that seems to get harder and harder to do. Today, search through your house and find things that are worth sharing and share them with people in need, Make the Change!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Be a Servant

Today, be a servant, life is to often about me, but today I will try and make it about someone else and serve them so that they can experience the joy of being served by a friend. Why not try it to, Make the Change!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Invite them and they will come.

If your involved in some community group or activities, invite someone you know or just met to join you there. Make the Change!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Make a Card

Today, buy or create a card for someone special in your life and mail it to them, the surprise might just be what they needed this week. Make the Change!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

You can make a difference!

All of us have had people talk with us and say "I really need this", or "if I don't get this", most of us respond with an "I totally understand" or "I can't believe it", but rarely do we say "hey let me help you", today, listen for someone who needs something you can give and give it, Make the Change!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Face to Face

Talk, I know, we do that all the time right? Do we? Communication has taken a real turn these days and much of our "talk" is done on a computer screen with a keyboard, or with a plastic device placed against our ear or in our ear if you have blue tooth. However, we rarely get to talk face to face with people anymore, so today, find someone to talk with face to face, what a difference, Make the Change!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Something New

Find a new hobby and invite a friend or relative to join you in it, everyone needs to expand their horizon's and find new ways to spend time with friends and family, Make the Change!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Join Me

Do you have a hobby that you love, invite someone to join you in it, you might find that they to enjoy your hobby, Make the Change!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

At War

I heard that we are losing 800 world war 2 soldiers every day, we have thousands at war this very hour, today, call, write or email someone you know that has someone oversea's right now, let them know you care and ask how their loved one is doing, they just may need the support today, Make the Change!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Family Day

Today is Friday, that means family day, order a pizza, get out the board games and have some family fun, Make the Change!

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Today, make it a point to visit a relative, Make the Change!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Getting Involved and Having Fun

Today, find a community event to get involved in and have some fun with those in your community. Make the Change

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Take them along

Today, try and get someone to go with you on one of your interests, you never know, they might really like it and you might just find a new partner, Make the Change!

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Today, tell someone you love one nice thing you like about them, Make The Change.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Saying I Love You

Today, tell someone you love them, not hard right, well, maybe not for you, but for many it's very hard and is heard very little coming from their lip's. The one's you love need to hear it, I know they all ready know, but what the heck, just say it today, it won't hurt and it may just make them smile! Make The Change!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Family Relations

Today, it's about family relations, is there a family member close or far away that you haven't talked with in awhile or you need to talk with, pick up the phone and call them today, Make The Change!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Be A Good Neighbor

Today it's about being a good neighbor, think of something nice you can do for your neighbor and surprise them. It doesn't have to be anything big, just something nice and unexpected. Make The Change!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Faults That Hinder Our Relationships

Today, we seem to be so good at finding faults in others, it's our way of putting a barrier in front of our own faults and not having to deal with them. There's a saying "Take the log out of your own eye, before trying to take the speck out of others eyes", let's deal today with our own faults, we want healthy relation...ships. Find a fault that hinders your relationships and work today to correct it. Make The Change!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Friends are Friends Forever

Today, continuing the theme of relationship's, we can never have to many friends and in fact, so many of us are so busy, that we are content to just be happy with the friends we have, but remember there are thousands of people out there that are praying for a friend just like you. Spend some time today figuring out who you are going to invest some time in and then make it happen. Make the Change!

Sunday, February 28, 2010


Relationships are the key to physical health as well as spiritual health, we all need relationships, today think about a relationship in your life that may need help or time and choose today to invest in that relationship, Make The Change!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Family and Friends

It's the weekend and the kid's are off of school or hopefully your friends or spouse have at least one day off, find a way to spend some time with your kid's or friends or spouse today or this weekend, it will be more then worth it, Make The Change!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Time Time Time

Today is about time, you can't have a relationship without time, we are all busy, but we are designed and created for interaction with other people, so today, schedule some time in for your friends and family so that you can grow those relationships and build those foundations. Make the Change!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Thank The Servants

We all have them, some we know by name, others just serve us and we pass on, but today, give them a little notice, say an extra thanks to those that you meet who serve you at the store, fast food place, gas station, make an effort to get their name and compliment them on the job they do. They help make your day better, Make the Change!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Hinderances to our goals in life

Today, think of something that is hindering you from accomplishing a goal in your life, try and figure out a way to overcome it and then work toward accomplishing that goal. If needed recruit friends and family to help you. Make the Change!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Make New Friends but Keep The Old

Today, think of someone that you have been wanting to meet, but just haven't had the time to invite over or to call, pickup the phone or drive over and make the introduction, you may just be the friend that they have been waiting for, or vice versa. Make the Change!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Give it up

Today, if there is someone who you are at odds with or are angry with; choose today to let it go, remember that anger is simply a distraction to your joy and those around you. Often your anger or frustration will have an effect on at least three to five other people and they will have an effect on at least as many, you make a difference, Make the Change!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Strangers in the night

Today, write or copy and paste an encouraging letter to a stranger, put it in an envelope and as you meet people this week if you see someone downcast or depressed, give them the note and let them know that you hope it helps. Make the Change!

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Tonight, do some research and find a program to support in your city, it can be anything, just something that helps your community. Make the Change!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

People Make the difference

Today, write a letter to someone who has made a difference in your life and let them know what it is that they did and how it impacted your life, it may just be what that person needs to hear in order to keep it up and keep impacting lives like yours. Make the Change!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The people we respect

Sorry for the late update, but I am currently updating from the great wolf lodge and was on the road and in the water most of the day. Today think of someone you know who is doing something that you think is pretty great and encourage them and let them know how you feel about what they are doing. Make the Change!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Meet someone new

Today, meet a new neighbor, find a neighbor you've never met and introduce yourself, you never know when you may need their snow blower! Make the Change! ;-)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

More then just a day!

I hope all of you were able to spend the day with your sweethearts and made them feel as special as they are, but just remember that Valentines is just one day, your sweetheart deserves 365 days of attention and being spoiled. Make the Change!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Good Deeds

Today, just go out and do something nice for someone, it can be anything, for anyone, just do it, as Nike says. Make the Change!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Kid's need good influences

Do you know of a child who doesn't have a mom or a dad and needs that influence in their life, be that influence, call them up and take them out or invite them over, Make the Change!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

People Make The Difference

Today, think of someone you know who doesn't get a whole lot of recognition for the job that they do and show them that you recognize them. Give them some encouragement and let them know the difference they are making at least in your eyes. Make the Change!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Kid's just want to have fun!

Today, fill up your car, van, suv, or truck with kid's and take them somewhere to have fun, sledding, bowling, museum, Nature Preserve, park, just take them out and have a blast. Try and include more then just your family, Make the Change!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Be a good Neighbor

Since much of the country is either covered in snow now, or will be soon, why not go over and shovel your neighbor's porch and walkway. Make the Change!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Making new friends

Today, introduce yourself to someone new, someone that you have been wanting to meet, but just haven't had the chance. Find out a little about them. Make the Change!

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Today give thanks to the one that give's you faith and strength to run this race of life, for me it's Jesus and I'm off to thank Him now. Make the Change!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Take care of her today.

Ok guy's today's for you, pick a chore around the house today that you know your Wife, Girlfriend or Mom need or want done that she would normally do and do it. Make the Change!

Friday, February 5, 2010

People who make a difference but are unseen

Today, we all have them, but have you ever thanked them for getting it to you everyday, Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night , that's right your Mailman or Woman, write them a note of thanks today for always getting you the mail you need. Make the Change!

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Today it's about appreciation, make sure to thank those who make your life better or easier, just saying Thanks isn't enough, add a little to it, so they know that you've actually thought it out and your not "Just" saying it like always. Make the Change!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Neighborhood Helpers

Today, stop and say thank you to those people who help direct traffic for the kid's in your neighborhood to get to school safely. Make the Change!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Change Within.

Today it's about ourselves, we can't really be good examples to others if we don't like ourselves or we are struggling to find worth in ourselves. Today look in the mirror, find something good to say and then write down 5 things that you think are good qualities about yourself, then build on them today. Make the Change!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Living on the Flip Side

Today, living on the flip side! Are you one who criticizes and finds faults in people, then tells everyone you know, think today of a fault you have and how you would feel or felt if someone told everyone about it. Today give Mercy and Grace to those you run into, I know I need more Mercy and Grace and I would dare say they do as well. Make the Change!

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Today think about a friend that you haven't seen in years and call them or email them and find out what they are up to these days. Make the Change.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Helping the Homeless

Today give to one of those homeless men or women that are standing on the side of the street with sign's in their hands. We all have questions about the authenticity of their true status, but you never know what or who they might really be. Make the Change!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Take care of your heart

Tonight think of someone who has made you mad, hurt you, or has you upset, now decide to forgive them, not because they deserve it, but because you do, being mad, upset or hurt will only take away the joy that you deserve and others want to experience in you. Make the Change!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Be a good neighbor

Today, take a walk around the block and introduce yourself to someone who you meet while walking, be a good neighbor! Make the Change!

Sunday, January 24, 2010


It's about faith today, share your faith with someone today, it makes you joyful and satisfied, it will make someone else joyful and satisfied as well. Make the Change!

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Today's about deed's, find a way to help someone today, even if it's in your own house, dishes, laundry, dinner, cleaning, housework, projects, Make the Change!

Friday, January 22, 2010


Today’s about necessities, other people have a lot of them, food, clothes, shelter, heat, well today take a look through your closets and your children’s closet and take all those clothes you’ll never fit into again or wear again and give them to a local church or someone you know who needs them. Also, all those left over toys that never get played with, donate those to and make a kid's day. Make the Change.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The good ole days

Today, let's open doors for people and hold it open while they walk through, help someone who looks like they could use some help getting their groceries in the car, help a co-worker move a table or a cabinet, Make the Change!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Get to know your community

It's Martin Luther King day here in the USA and in memory of Mr. King, introduce yourself to someone of a different race today, you can never know to many people.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Help a Single Mom or Dad this week.

In memory of Rick, a great single Dad, Son, Brother and Friend, who died unexpectedly on Friday at age 39, call a single Mom or Dad today and tell them that you will take their kid's this week for a day to give them a break, Make the Change! You'll be missed Rick!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Make a new friend

Introduce yourself to someone new today, maybe a neighbor you've never met, you never know the friend that might be waiting for you. Make the Change!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Make the Change through your words

Today strive to say only positive things to those you talk with and if possible say something encouraging to someone who you just met or may see while out and about.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Change a heart

Think of someone who needs encouragement today, call them and give it to them, Make the Change!


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Remembering those we love

Today lets Make a Change in the hearts of those we love but haven't seen in awhile.

Think of someone you haven't seen in a long time and write them an email or a hand written letter letting them know you miss them and are thinking of them.

Make the Change!


This is the beginning

Welcome to Make the Change Mission

This came about when I found myself once again talking to my family and friends this holiday season about all the ways that we could change the world and our country if we were in charge. I began thinking, what if it didn't matter if we were in charge, but we just began doing things to change our part of the world. So began Make the Change Mission, a 365 day journey to change our little parts of the world, by finding ways to change peoples lifes in our actions, our words, our deeds and our faith. So what are you waiting for MAKE THE CHANGE!