Saturday, October 23, 2010

What can I really do.

"What can I really do", I hear people say this all the time and it makes me wonder how well our school's really do teach history to our kid's and those who are now adults. Our history is filled with individuals who decided they would be different, they would do things differently, or they were the only one's who would do it, so they had to do it and because of them, our world changed forever. You don't have to be specially gifted either. A lot of world changers were just ordinary people, who decided to do what no one else would do. Right now I could write down at least seven names but I want you to come up with your own. You can do it and if not, then search the internet and find them. There are senior adults, middle aged adults, young adults, teens, adolescents and children, all who are an example of what you can really do, yes YOU! Now get out there and Make the Change!

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