Friday, May 25, 2012

Will You Be Missed?

There is a study that our church is going through called "Out Live Your Life" it's based on the fact that a person can live in such a way that when they are gone, their principles and values, the core belief's of that person can live on, in the people and the communities in which they have a sphere of influence and in fact can even span the globe depending on the people who are changed by their influence and their relationships.

This came to life for me this past week when a neighbor who comes by our house everyday several times walking her four dogs and she stops and gives my dog a treat and in fact gives all of the dogs in our neighborhood a treat but my kid's and my wife have befriended her and in fact my kid's have walked with her several times and she is just a really nice lady. This week however, I hadn't seen her in a few day and when I drove by her house her lawn hadn't been mowed and I got a little worried and found out that she had just been really busy this week and her schedule had changed for the first time in months and now shes back on her routine and she came back by the house. It got me thinking though, what if I was gone, would anyone outside my family miss me, would my neighbors notice that I was gone, would people who were not related to me notice that I wasn't there anymore?

Make the Change came about for me because I knew that I needed to make sure that I was making a difference in the life's that I have an influence in and make new connections and influence those life's as well, not because I believe they need me to change their life's, but because I believe all of us need each-other and all of us can help each-other make life easier by giving our talents and time to those who are in our sphere of influence. I saw people who complained about never having enough time to do this and that, or needing help with this or that and people wishing they knew someone who could do this or that. I found that in many cases, I could do those things but I wasn't, I was to busy, I was to involved in living my life to make time to help out those who weren't "close" to me. We need to remember that there are no accidents in this world when it comes to relationships, relationships are made on purpose and require time and effort. We all have that time if we are honest, but are we willing to sacrifice our favorite show or our Facebook time to "Make the Change" and make sure that if we suddenly left this world, not only would we be missed, but maybe, just maybe, our lives would have made such a difference, that what we did, would live on in the lives and relationships in which we poured our time and efforts. "Make the Change"
