Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Every morning the boy filled the cart with the stones that he needed to move from the side of the Farm House, to the back of the Farm. He had been hired and given $50 to move to the rocks by the farmer because everyone knew what a good worker the boy was. After a few days working, the farmer decided to check up on the boy, because he knew he was working long hours and see his progress. The Farmer came around the side of the Farm House and saw that the boy still had a long way to go. Looking to the back of the Farm he saw the boy coming back up from taking his last load of rocks to the back of the Farm. What he saw shocked him. The boy was pushing the worst looking cart the Farmer had ever seen. Where the wheels were supposed to be, were only rims, the two handles were different sizes, the wood sides were cracked and broken in many places. As soon as the boy reached the old Farmer, he smiled and told the Farmer he would be done as soon as possible, but it was taking a little longer then he thought it would. The Farmer instead of being happy that the job was getting done at all, said to the boy, look at your cart boy. The rims are missing tires, the handles are broken and different sizes, the sides of your cart are cracked and broken in many places, why are you using such a horrible broken cart, isn't that making this job impossibly hard. The boy looked at the cart and did admit that it was much harder having to push the cart with no tires, he said that it did take him awhile to get used to pushing the cart with the handles being different sizes and admitted that he would often have to stop and pick up rocks that he had dropped from the cart due to the broken sides. Exactly said the Farmer, so why do you use it? The boy looked puzzled, but said honestly, sir it was all I had.
How about you, what have you been doing to "Make the Change" in your little part of the world this year? Do you feel like the boy, joyful just to help with what you have, or are you feeling like the farmer, "why am I having to use this broken down cart that makes everything impossibly hard??? I know how hard it can be to make a difference; I know how hard it can be to push a cart that is so broken that it barely moves. However, sometimes, if a broken down cart is all we have and someone needs a pile of rocks moved, we need to move it for them and just be honest with them and say, yes it may not look like much, hey maybe I don't look like much, but honestly "it is all I have". Can anyone ask more? You'll never regret helping!!! Spring is here and the warm weather will soon be on us and we will soon be out and about more often. Use the opportunity to find a way to use whatever you have and "Make the Change"!!!

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